Clever places Where Teen hide their drugs | teens drug prevention

2015-09-10 375

One of the most common ways to find out if your kids have substance addiction, is to find substance hidden somewhere on his or her belongings. They are very Resourceful and creative when it comes to their hiding spot. Nowadays, teens can be very clever about where to hide their drugs.
Here are some of the top places where your teens hide their drugs.
Staff Toys: that innocent looking Mr. fluffy can be a hiding place because they think no one will ever check there.
Game Console: Most of game console have deep portion in them that can be good in hiding for drugs.
Underneath Toilet tanks: Bathrooms with exhaust fans are also perfect places for kids to use drugs.
Behind Poster: Poster on walls offer a huge area wherein kids can hide drugs.
Books: Teens can cut holes into books to create a secret compartment to hide their drugs.
Medicine Cabinet: Check your and their medicine cabinet for anything out of the ordinary.
Cans and Wrappers: Empty Soda are great diversion safes and they can be homemade or purchased.
Personal Hygiene items and Make-up: Drug Tablets can be concealed safely inside lip gloss or lipstick container.
Vehicle: Cars are one of the most common places for teens to hide their drugs.
It is very important to pay attention to the sign of drug use. If your kids is using drugs seek professional help.